17 August 2004
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000904-000904 / 2004
Diary number: 21414 / 2003
Advocates: T. G. NARAYANAN NAIR Vs



CASE NO.: Appeal (crl.)  904 of 2004

PETITIONER: Y. Abraham Ajith & Ors.                                          

RESPONDENT: Inspector of Police, Chennai & Anr.                      

DATE OF JUDGMENT: 17/08/2004


JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T (Arising out of SLP(Crl.)No. 4573/2003)


       Leave granted.  

       Appellants call in question legality of the judgment rendered by  a learned Single Judge of the Madras High Court whereby the appellants’  prayer for quashing proceedings in CC 3532 of 2001 on the file of the  Court of XVIII Metropolitan Magistrate Saidapet, Chennai, by exercise  of powers under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (in  short the ’Code’) was rejected. Background facts sans unnecessary  details are as follows :

Respondent no.2 as complainant filed complaint in the Court of  the concerned magistrate alleging commission of offences punishable  under Sections 498A and 406 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (in short  the ’IPC’) and Section 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 ( in short  the ’Dowry Act’). The magistrate directed the police to investigate and  after investigation charge-sheet was filed by the police.  When the  matter stood thus, the appellants filed an application under Section  482 of the Code before the High Court alleging that the concerned  magistrate has no jurisdiction even to entertain the complaint even if  the allegations contained therein are accepted in toto.  According to  them, no part of the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction of  the concerned Court.  The complaint itself disclosed that after  15.4.1997, the respondent left Nagercoil and came to Chennai and was  staying there.  All the allegations which are per se without any basis  took place according to the complainant at Nagercoil, and therefore,  the Courts at Chennai did not have the jurisdiction to deal with the  matter.  It was further submitted that earlier a complaint was lodged  by the complainant before the concerned police officials having  jurisdiction; but after inquiry no action was deemed necessary.   

In response, learned counsel submitted that some of the offences  were continuing offences. The appellant no.1 had initiated proceedings  for judicial separation, the notice for which was  received by her at  Chennai and, therefore, the cause of action existed.   

The High Court unfortunately did not consider rival stands and  even did not record any finding on the question of law raised regarding  lack of jurisdiction.  It felt that legal parameters were to be



considered after a thorough trial after due opportunity to the parties  and, therefore, the factual points raised by parties were not to be  adjudicated under Section 484 of the Code.   

In support of the appeal Mr. T.L. Viswanatha Iyer, learned senior  counsel, submitted that the approach of the High Court is clearly  erroneous.  A bare reading of the complaint would go to show that no  part of the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction of the Court  where the complaint was filed. Therefore, the entire proceedings had no  foundation.

In response, learned counsel for respondent no.2-complainant  submitted that the offences were continuing in terms of Section 178(c)  of the Code, and therefore  The Court had the jurisdiction to deal with  the matter.

Section 177 of the Code deals with the ordinary place of inquiry  and trial, and  reads as follows:

"Section 177 : ORDINARY PLACE OF INQUIRY                   AND TRIAL:

Every offence shall ordinarily be inquired into and  tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction it  was committed."  

                  Sections 177 to 186 deal with venue and place of trial.  Section 177 reiterates the well-established common law rule referred to  in Halsbury’s Laws of England (Vol. IX para 83) that the proper and  ordinary venue for the trial of a crime is the area of jurisdiction in  which, on the evidence, the facts occur and which alleged to constitute  the crime.  There are several exceptions to this general rule and some  of them are, so far as the present case is concerned, indicated in  Section 178 of the Code which read as follows:


(a) When it is uncertain in which of several local  areas an offence was committed, or  (b) where an offence is committed partly in one local  area and partly in another, or  (c) where an offence is continuing one, and continues  to be committed in more local areas than one, or  (d) where it consists of several acts done in  different local areas, it may be inquired into or  tried by a Court having jurisdiction over any of such  local areas."  

       "All crime is local, the jurisdiction over the crime belongs to  the country where the crime is committed", as observed by Blackstone. A  significant word used in Section 177 of the Code is "ordinarily". Use  of the word indicates that the provision is a general one and must be  read subject to the special provisions contained in the Code. As  observed by the Court in Purushottamdas Dalmia v. State of West Bengal  (AIR 1961 SC 1589), L.N.Mukherjee V. State of Madras (AIR 1961 SC  1601), Banwarilal Jhunjhunwalla and Ors. v. Union of India and Anr.  (AIR 1963 SC 1620) and Mohan Baitha and Ors. v. State of Bihar and Anr.  (2001 (4) SCC 350), exception implied by the word "ordinarily" need not  be limited to those specially provided for by the law and exceptions  may be provided by law on consideration or may be implied from the  provisions of law permitting joint trial of offences by the same Court.  No such exception is applicable to the case at hand.  

As observed by this Court in State of Bihar v. Deokaran Nenshi



and Anr. (AIR 1973 SC 908), continuing offence is one which is  susceptible of continuance and is distinguishable from the one which is  committed once and for all, that it is one of those offences which  arises out of the failure to obey or comply with a rule or its  requirement and which involves a penalty, liability continues till  compliance, that on every occasion such disobedience or non-compliance  occurs or recurs, there is the offence committed.

A similar plea relating to continuance of the offence was  examined by this Court in Sujata Mukherjee (Smt.) v. Prashant Kumar  Mukherjee (1997 (5) SCC 30).  There the allegations related to  commission of alleged offences punishable under Section 498A, 506 and  323 IPC.  On the factual background, it was noted that though the dowry  demands were made earlier the husband of the complainant went to the  place where complainant was residing and had assaulted her. This Court  held in that factual background that clause (c) of Section 178 was  attracted.  But in the present case the factual position is different  and the complainant herself left the house of the husband on 15.4.1997  on account of alleged dowry demands by the husband and his relations.   There is thereafter not even a whisper of allegations about any demand  of dowry or commission of any act constituting an offence much less at  Chennai.  That being so, the logic of Section 178 (c) of the Code  relating to continuance of the offences cannot be applied.  

The crucial question is whether any part of the cause of action  arose within the jurisdiction of the concerned  Court.  In terms of  Section 177 of the Code it is the place where the offence was  committed.  In essence it is the cause of action for initiation of the  proceedings against the accused.

While in civil cases, normally the expression "cause of action"  is used, in criminal cases as stated in Section 177 of the Code,  reference is to the local jurisdiction where the offence is committed.  These variations in etymological expression do not really make the  position different. The expression "cause of action" is therefore not a  stranger to criminal cases.  

It is settled law that cause of action consists of bundle of  facts, which give cause to enforce the legal inquiry for redress in a  court of law.  In other words, it is a bundle of facts, which taken  with the law applicable to them, gives the allegedly affected party a  right to claim relief against the opponent. It must include some act  done by the latter since in the absence of such an act no cause of  action would possibly accrue or would arise.

The expression "cause of action" has acquired a judicially  settled meaning.  In the restricted sense cause of action means the  circumstances forming the infraction of the right or the immediate  occasion for the action.  In the wider sense, it means the necessary  conditions for the maintenance of the proceeding including not only the  alleged infraction, but also the infraction coupled with the right  itself.  Compendiously the expression means every fact, which it would  be necessary for the complainant to prove, if traversed, in order to  support his right or grievance to the judgment of the Court.  Every  fact, which is necessary to be proved, as distinguished from every  piece of evidence, which is necessary to prove such fact, comprises in  "cause of action".

The expression "cause of action" has sometimes been employed to  convey the restricted idea of facts or circumstances which constitute  either the infringement or the basis of a right and no more. In a wider  and more comprehensive sense, it has been used to denote the whole  bundle of material facts.   The expression "cause of action" is generally understood to mean



a situation or state of facts that entitles a party to maintain an  action in a court or a tribunal; a group of operative facts giving rise  to one or more bases for sitting; a factual situation that entitles one  person to obtain a remedy in court from another person.  (Black’s Law  Dictionary a "cause of action" is stated to be the entire set of facts  that gives rise to an enforceable claim; the phrase comprises every  fact, which, if traversed, the plaintiff must prove in order to obtain  judgment.  In "Words and Phrases" (4th Edn.) the meaning attributed to  the phrase "cause of action" in common legal parlance is existence of  those facts, which give a party a right to judicial interference on his  behalf.

In Halsbury Laws of England (Fourth Edition) it has been stated  as follows:

"Cause of action" has been defined as meaning simply  a factual situation the existence of which entitles  one person to obtain from the Court a remedy against  another person.  The phrase has been held from  earliest time to include every fact which is material  to be proved to entitle the plaintiff to succeed, and  every fact which a defendant would have a right to  traverse.  "Cause of action" has also been taken to  mean that particular act on the part of the defendant  which gives the plaintiff his cause of complaint, or  the subject matter of grievance founding the action,  not merely the technical cause of action".

             When the aforesaid legal principles are applied, to the  factual scenario disclosed by the complainant in the complaint  petition, the inevitable conclusion is that no part of cause of action  arose in  Chennai and, therefore, the concerned magistrate had no  jurisdiction to deal with the matter.  The proceedings are quashed. The  complaint be returned to respondent No.2 who, if she so chooses, may  file the same in the appropriate Court to be dealt with in accordance  with law. The appeal is accordingly allowed.