14 December 1950
Supreme Court







DATE OF JUDGMENT: 14/12/1950


CITATION:  1951 AIR  124            1950 SCR  940  CITATOR INFO :  F          1953 SC 221  (8)  F          1957 SC 540  (25)  RF         1963 SC1464  (11)  D          1973 SC 827  (14)

ACT:     Constitution  of India, Arts. 134, 136,  374(4)--Special leave  to  appeal--Judgment of Hyderabad High  Court  passed before 26th Jan. 1950--Application for special  leave--Main- tainability--Pendency of application for leave to appeal  to Judicial  Committee of Hyderabad when new constitution  came into  force,  effect  of--Scope of Art.  136-"Any  court  or tribunal  in  the territory of  India  "--Interpretation  of statutes--Presumption  of  prospective  operation--Right  to appeal.

HEADNOTE:            The petitioners, who were convicted and sentenced to  death   by a special tribunal in  the  Hyderabad  State, preferred appeals to the High Court of Hyderabad which  were dismissed,  and  the applied to the High Court on  the  21st Jan.,  1950, for leave to appeal  to the Judicial  Committee of  Hyderabad against the judgments of  the High Court.   On the  96th  Jan., 1950, the Constitution of India  came  into force and under the Constitution, Hyderabad became a part of India, the Judicial Committee of Hyderabad ceased exist, and all appealls and other proceedings pending before that  941 Committee  stood transferred to the Supreme Court of  India. The  applications of the petitioners were amended so  as  to make  them applications under Art. 134 of the  Ccnstitution, but they were dismissed on the ground that no such petitions lay  under Art.134 and also on the merits.  The  petitioners thereupon made an application to the Supreme Court of  India under  Art.  136 of the Constitution for  special  leave  to appeal:     Held  that,  inasmuch as Art. 136 confers power  on  the Supreme Court to grant special leave to appeal only from any



judgment,  decree, sentence or order passed or made by  "any court  or tribunal in the territory of India," and the  Hyd- erabad High Court was not a Court in the territory of  India when  the judgments in question were pronounced the  Supreme Court had no jurisdiction to grant special leave.     Art. 136 cannot be so construed as to apply to judgments or  orders pronounced be[ore Hyderabad became part of  India and  to confer a right of appeal inferentially,  merely  be- cause the petitioners had a right to appeal to the  Judicial Committee of Hyderabad when the Constitution came into force and  they had been deprivecd of this right by the  abolition of  that Committee without making a provision enabling  them to appeal to the Supreme Court.

JUDGMENT: APPELLATE  JURISDITION  (Criminal)  :Criminal  Miscellaneous Petitions Nos. 71 to 73 of 1950.     Petitions under Art. 136 of the Constitution praying for special leave to appeal to the Supreme Court from the orders of the High Court of Judicature at Hydrabad dated 12th, 13th and 14th Dccember, 1949, dismissing the appeals prcferred by the  petitioners against orders of the Special  Tribunal  of Hyderabad  convicting them of murder and sentencing them  to death.   The  material facts and arguments  of  the  counsel appear from the judgmcnt.     D.N.  Pritt  (K. B. Asthana, Daniel Latifi,  Bhawa  Shiv Charan Singh and A.S. R. Chari, with him) for the  petition- ers.     M.C. Setalvad,  Attorney-General for India, and Raja Ram Iyer (G. N. Joshi, with them) for the respondent.     1950. December 14.  The Judgment of the Court was deliv- ered by     KANIA C.J.---These are three criminal miscellaneous  Kan petitions asking for special leave to appeal to the 942 Supreme  Court  under  article 136 of  the  Constitution  of India.    All  the accused were charged with being members of  the Communist  Party  wedded to the policy of  overthrowing  the existing Government at Hyderabad by violence and  establish- ing  in  its place a communist regime.  It is  alleged  that they demanded subscriptions towards their communist  organi- zation  and  some of the villagers who did  not  meet  their demands  were abducted  on  the  21st of   September,  1948, and  murdered.   They  were charged  with  various  offences including murder before a special tribunal established under the  regulations promulgated by the Military Governor  under the  :authority  of  H.E. ’H. the Nizam  and  convicted  and sentenced  to  death on the 9th, 13th and  14th  of  August, 1949,  by separate judgments. The petitioners appealed  from those  judgments  to  the Hyderabad High Court and the  High Court,by its judgments dated the 12th, 13th and 14th  Decem- ber,  1949, respectively, dismissed the appeals.  The  peti- tioners  applied  to  the High Court for  a  certificate  to appeal  to the Judicial Committee of the Hyderabad State  on the 21st of January, 1950.  It appears that H.E.H. the Nizam issued a firman on the 23rd of November, 1949, stating  that the  proposed  Constitution of India was  suitable  for  the government  of Hyderabad and he accepted it as the Constitu- tion  of the Hyderabad State as one of the States of Part  B in  the  First Schedule. On the 26th of January,  1950,  the Constitution  of  India became applicable to  the  Union  of India and the Part B States. ’the petitions originally filed



for  a certificate for leave to appeal to the Judicial  Com- mittee of the Privy Council of the Hyderabad State were,  by leave  of the Court, amended, and made into petitions  under article 134 of the Constitution of India.  A Division  Bench of the High Court at Hyderabad considered the petitions  and dismissed  them  on the ground that no  such  petitions  lay under article 134 and they also declared that on the  merits no case was made out for a certificate as asked by the peti- tioners.  The petitioners have now filed their petitions  to this Court under 943 article 136 of the Constitution of India, for special  leave to  appeal  from the judgments of the High Court  dated  the 12th,  13th and 14th of December, 1949. Two questions arise for consideration.  The first is, wheth- er  any  application under article 136,  under  the  circum- stances of the case, can be made to the Supreme Court,  and, the  second is, whether on a consideration of the facts,  if it  has jurisdiction to entertain the petitions,  the  Court should grant special leave.  The first question  depends  on the  construction of the relevant articles in the  Constitu- tion  of India. Under article 374 (4) on and from  the  com- mencement  of  this  Constitution the  jurisdiction  of  the authority functioning as the Privy Council in a State speci- fied  in Part B to the First Schedule to entertain and  dis- pose  of  appeals and petitions from or in  respect  of  any judgment,  decree  or order of any court within  that  State ceased, and all appeals and other proceedings pending before the said authority at such commencement stand transferred to and have to be disposed of by the Supreme Court.  This  sub- clause thus abolishes the jurisdiction of the Privy  Council of  the Hyderabad State and after the Constitution of  India came  into force that body and its  jurisdiction  altogether ceased.  On  the  facts before us, it is clear  that  as  no proceeding  or appeal in respect of these judgments  of  the Hyderabad High Court was pending before the Hyderabad  Privy Council before its abolition, nothing got transferred to the Supreme Court by operation of this subclause.     It  was argued on behalf of the petitioners that on  the 25th January, 1950, they had a right to move the High  Court at Hyderabad for a certificate granting them leave to appeal to  the Privy Council of the Hyderabad State. In  fact  such petitions were pending on that day.  It was therefore argued that a right to appeal which existed on the 25th of January, 1950, cannot be impliedly taken away by the Constitution  of India being  made applicable  to  the State of Hyderabad. It was  pointed out that in respect of convictions all  persons who had rights of appeal, or 944 who  had time to file their applications for a  certificate, as  also  persons whose petitions were  pending  before  the Hyderabad High Court asking for such certificates and  which had  not been disposed of because of the congestion of  work in  the High Court would lose their right to appeal  to  the higher court if article 136 is not construed so as to give a right  of  appeal  to the Supreme Court of  India.   It  was pointed out by the Attorney General, appearing on behalf  of the  State, that if a wide construction is given to  article 136  it  will not only permit persons who are stated  to  be under such hardship to apply for leave under article 136 but several  other  rights will be created.   Such  rights  will arise not only in criminal cases but in civil cases also and they  can  be  exercised without any limitation  as  to  the period within which the application has to be made, with the result that old judgments may also be called into  question.



Moreover,  on the wider construction of article  136,  judg- ments which had become final in those States in which  there existed  no  court like the Privy Council  to  whom  appeals could lie from the judgments of their High Courts, x,viIi be subject to appeal though no such appeal lay before.  It  was therefore  argued  that  on the ground  of  convenience  the balance  if at all. is against the argument advanced by  the petitioners.  It was strenuously urged that this is a  wrong approach  to the question altogether.  Articles of the  Con- stitution  have  to be construed according  to  their  plain natural meaning and cases of hardship should not be  brought to bear on the natural construction.  Hard cases should  not be permitted to make bad law. In our opinion, this  argument of  the Attorney-General is sound. The question of  hardship cannot  be  and  should not be allowed to  affect  the  true meaning of the words used in the Constitution.  It is there- fore proper to approach the articles irrespective of consid- erations of hardship.     In  order to decide whether on the facts of  this  case, the  Supreme Court has jurisdiction to grant special  leave, it is necessary only to consider articles 133, 134, 135  and 136  of  the Constitution of India.  Article  133,  in  sub- stance, retains the old provisions of the Civil     945 Procedure  Code in respect of appeals to the  Privy  Council from High Courts in civil matters.  Under article 134, it is provided that an appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court  from any judgment, final order or sentence in a criminal proceed- ing  of a High Court in the territory of India if  the  High Court.........  (then follow three contingencies under which such  appeals can lie),  In article 133 also the  words  "in the territory of India" are used.  Article 135 provides  for matters  to which the provisions of articles |33 or  134  do not  apply.  It is there provided that until  Parliament  by law  otherwise provides, the Supreme Court shall  also  have jurisdiction and powers with respect to any matter to  which the provisions of article 133 or 134 do not apply, if juris- diction and powers in relation to that matter were exercisa- ble by the Federal Court immediately before the commencement of  this Constitution under any existing law.  This  article was included in the Constitution to enable the Supreme Court to exercise jurisdiction in cases which were not covered  by articles 133 and 134, in respect of matters where the Feder- al Court had jurisdiction to entertain appeals etc. from the High  Courts  under the previously existing  law.   This  is obviously  a  provision  to vest in the  Supreme  Court  the jurisdiction enjoyed by the Federal Court, under the  Aboli- tion  of  Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1949.  It  may  be mentioned  that  the jurisdiction of the  Privy  Council  to entertain appeals from High Courts, except those which  were already  pending  before it on the 10th  October  1949,  was taken away by this Act.  Provision had therefore to be  made in  respect of appeals which were already pending or   which were  not covered by the provisions of articles 133 and 134. Article  136 of the Constitution of India is in these  terms :--     "136.   (1) "Notwithstanding  anything in this  Chapter, the  Supreme  Court may, in its  discretion,  grant  special leave  to appeal from any judgment,  decree,  determination, sentence  or order in any cause or matter passed or made  by any Court or tribunal in the territory of India." 121 946     (2)  ............."     The expression "territory of India" is defined in  arti-



cle 1 in these terms       "1.  The territory of India shall comprise     (a)  the territories of the States (meaning  the  States mentioned in Parts A, B and C of the First Schedule),         (b) the territories specified in Part D of the First Schedule, (viz., The Andaman and Nicobar Islands) and      (c)  such other territories as may be  acquired."  The’ question  for consideratioh is whether on the facts  of  the present  case the Supreme Court can grant special  leave  to appeal  from a judgment, sentence or order which was  passed and  made by the Hyderabad High Court before  26th  January, 1950.  The  important fact to be borne in mind is  that  the Hyderabad  courts were not courts within the.  territory  of India when they pronounced their judgments on the 12th, 13th and  14th of December, 1949. It is argued on behalf  of  the petitioners  that a narrow construction will take  away  the valuable  rights of appeal which had existed in  persons  in the  position of petitioners when the Constitution of  India was  directed  by H.E.H. the Nizam by his firman to  be  ap- plicable  to  the Hyderabad State on the  26th  of  January, 1950,  it  should be held that as no substantive  right  was provided in the Constitution separately, the words of  arti- cle 135 were wide enough to give such right to the petition- ers.   On the other hand, it was then argued by the  learned Attorney   General  that  every  legislation  is   primarily prospective and not retrospective.  A right of appeal has to be  given specifically by a statute and it is not  merely  a procedural  right.   If therefore there exists no  right  of appeal under the Constitution such right cannot be  inferen- tially  held  to come into being on the application  of  the Constitution  to  the Hyderabad State.  For  this,  reliance was  placed  on the decision of the Privy Council  in  Delhi Cloth  and  General Mills Ltd. v. Income  Tax  Commissioner, Delhi & Another(1) and The Colonial Sugar Refining Co.  Ltd. v. Irving(2). (1) 54 I.A. 421.                (2,) [1905]  A. C. 369. 947     In  our opinion, the contention of the Attorney  general on  this point is correct.  There appears no reason  why  in the   present  case  the  normal  mode  of  interpreting   a legislation as prospective only should be departed from.  It was contended.by Mr. Pritt that the interpretation sought to be  put  by  the  State on’ article  136  will  require  the insertion  of the word "hereafter" in the clause, for  which there  was no justification.  We are unable to  accept  this contention  because,  prima  facie,  every  legislation   is prospective and even without the use of the word "hereafter" the  language  of article 136 conveys the same  meaning.  It should be noticed in this case that before the 26th January, 1950, the Government of H.E.H. the Nizam was an  independent State  in the sense that no court in India or  the  Judicial Committee   of   the  Privy  Council  in  London   had   any jurisdiction  over  the  decisions of  the  Hyderabad  State Courts.   To  give the Supreme Court of  India  jurisdiction over  the decisions of courts of such a state, one  requires specific  provisions or provisions which necessarily  confer jurisdiction to deal, on appeal, with the decisions of  such courts.   It  is  common ground that  there  is  no  express provision  of  that kind.  There appear to us also  no  such necessary  circumstances  which on  reasonable  construction should be treated as impliedly giving such right of  appeal. Indeed  the  words "territory of India" lead to  a  contrary conclusion.   Under  the  words used  in  article  136   the -courts  which passed judgments or sentence must  be  courts within  the  territory  of  India.   The  territory  of  the



Government  of H.E.H. the Nizam was never the  territory  of India  before the 26th of January, 1950, and  therefore  the judgment and sentence passed by the High Court of H.E.H. the Nizam  on the 12th, lath and 14th December, 1949, cannot  be considered  as  judgments and sentence "passed  by  a  court within the territory of India".  On that short ground  alone it seems that the petitioners’ contention must fail.     It was argued by Mr. Pritt on behalf of the  petitioners that  if  such construction were put, the territory  of  the Province of Bombay also may be excluded from 948 the operation of article 136.  The answer however is that  a right to file an appeal from the judgments of the High Court at  Bombay in both civil and criminal matters existed  under the   Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code and  the Letters Patent of The High Court before the 26th of January, 1950. Such right of appeal to the Judicial Committee of  the Privy Council, which previously existed, was transferred  to the Federal Court by the appropriate legislation and eventu- ally  by article 135 to the Supreme Court. Therefore by  the interpretation, which we think is the proper  interpretation of  article 136 of the Constitution of India, the  right  of appeal  from  the judgment of the Bombay High Court  is  not taken away. It is true that having regard to the words  used in  article  136 which can bear a wider meaning a  right  to apply  for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court is given  in respect  of decisions not only of High Courts but  of  other tribunals  also.   That larger right, if it  did  not  exist before the 26th January, 1950, can be legitimately construed as newly conferred by article 136 and such construction does not give rise to any anomaly.  In our opinion, therefore  as the  judgments were  pronounced and sentences passed in  all these  matters  before us by the High  Court  of  Hyderabad, which  was  in the territory of H.E.H. the Nizam  and  which territory was not the territory of India before the 26th  of January, 1950, and as those judgments were passed before the Constitution  came into force they do not fall.  within  the class of judgments against which special leave to appeal  to the Supreme Court can be asked for under article 136.  It is obvious  that such judgments are not covered  under  article 135 of the Constitution of India.     In our opinion this Court has therefore no  jurisdiction to  entertain  these petitions for special leave  to  appeal against such judgments of the High Court of Hyderabad  under Article  136  of  the Constitution. Cases like those of  the petitioners are thus not covered by articles 134, 135 or 136 and therefore the Supreme Court in the present state of  the legislation is unable to     949 render  any assistance to them.  An omission to provide  for such  relief in the Constitution cannot  be remedied by  the Supreme  Court and assumption of jurisdiction which  is  not warranted  by  the clear words of articles 134, 135  or  136 will  be  tantamount to making legislation  by  the  Supreme Court which it is never its function to do. The petitions, under the circumstances, are rejected.                            Petitions dismissed. Agent  for  the  petitioners :1. N. Shroff. Agent for the respondent: P.A. Mehta.