bill of lading

| \ -ˈlā-diŋ \ | bill of lad·ing
  1. : a document issued by a carrier that lists goods being shipped and specifies the terms of their transport

    Note: A bill of lading serves as a receipt for the goods, a contract for the transport of the goods, and a document of title showing that the person in possession of the bill has title to the goods.

    — clean bill of lading
    : a bill of lading that does not have any notations written or otherwise marked on it that qualify or amend the bill

    — negotiable bill of lading
    : order bill of lading in this entry

    — nonnegotiable bill of lading
    : straight bill of lading in this entry

    — order bill of lading
    : a bill of lading under which the goods are to be delivered to the person named in the bill or to the named person's order or to the bearer of the bill — called also negotiable bill of lading; compare straight bill of lading in this entry

    — straight bill of lading
    : a bill of lading that names the only person to whom the goods may be delivered — called also nonnegotiable bill of lading; compare order bill of lading in this entry