
noun | \ ˈle-gə-sē \ | leg·a·cy
  1. : a gift of property by will; specifically : a gift of personal property by will : bequest — see also ademption — compare devise : a gift of personal property by will : bequest — see also ademption — compare devise

    — conjoint legacy
    in the civil law of Louisiana : a legacy by a single disposition to more than one legatee or of indivisible property to more than one legatee

    — demonstrative legacy
    : a legacy payable from a designated fund or asset or from the general assets of the estate to the extent the specified fund or asset fails to satisfy the legacy

    — general legacy
    : a legacy payable out of the general assets of the estate

    — legacy under a universal title
    in the civil law of Louisiana : a legacy that consists of a specified proportion (as one-half), a specified type (as movables), or a specified proportion of a specified type of the testator's property

    — particular legacy
    in the civil law of Louisiana : any legacy that is not a universal legacy or a legacy under a universal title — called also legacy under particular title

    — residuary legacy
    : a legacy that consists of all of the testator's estate which has not been distributed through other legacies or charges upon the estate

    — specific legacy
    : a legacy payable only from a specific fund or asset in the estate

    — universal legacy
    in the civil law of Louisiana : a legacy by which a testator gives to one or more legatees all of his or her property at the time of death