
transitive verb | \in-ˈdȯrs\ | en·dorse
  1. : to write on the back of; especially : to sign one's name as payee on the back of (an instrument) in order to receive the cash or credit represented on the face endorse a check : to sign one's name as payee on the back of (an instrument) in order to receive the cash or credit represented on the face endorse a check

  1. : to inscribe (as one's signature or a notation accompanied by one's signature) on an instrument (as a note or bill) especially to transfer or guarantee it

  1. : to transfer (an instrument) to another by inscribing one's signature assume that payee endorses a note to creditor as security for a debt —Uniform Commercial Code

  1. : to inscribe (as an official document) with a notation (as of date or title)