
noun | ex·pense
  1. : financial burden or outlay; specifically : an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period : an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period

    — business expense
    : an expense made in furtherance of one's business especially as part of the cost of operating a business in the taxable year in which the expense is incurred — compare capital expense and personal expense in this entry Note: Business expenses are generally tax deductible in the year the expense is incurred.

    — capital expense
    : an expense made in a business that will provide a long-term benefit : capital expenditure Note: Capital expenses are not tax deductible as business expenses but may be used for depreciation or amortization.

    — moving expense
    : an expense incurred in changing one's residence that is tax deductible if incurred for business reasons (as when one's job requires relocation)

    — ordinary and necessary expense
    : an expense that is normal or customary and helpful and appropriate for the operation of a particular business or trade and that is made during the taxable year — called also ordinary and necessary business expense Note: Ordinary and necessary expenses are tax deductible.

    — personal expense
    : an expense incurred in the course of one's personal affairs as distinguished from the course of one's employment or the operation of a business — compare business expense in this entry Note: Personal expenses are usually not tax deductible.


transitive verb
  1. : to charge with expenses

  1. : to write off as an expense